erminas | |
  SmartAPI | |
   CMS | |
    Converter | |
    Project | |
     Authorizations | |
      IAuthorizationPackage | |
      IAuthorizationPackages | |
      IAuthorizationRights | |
      IGroupAuthorization | |
      IGroupAuthorizations | indexed by group name |
      IUserAuthorization | |
      IUserAuthorizations | indexed by user name |
     ContentClasses | |
      Elements | |
       IAnchor | |
       IArea | |
       IAttribute | |
       IBackground | |
       IBrowse | |
       ICanBeRequiredForEditing | |
       IContainer | |
       IContentClassContentElement | |
       IContentClassElement | |
       IContentClassPreassignable | |
       IDatabaseContent | |
       IDeliveryServerConstraint | |
       IExtendedContentClassContentElement | |
       IFrame | |
       IHeadline | |
       IHitList | |
       IImage | |
       IImageAnchor | |
       IInfo | |
       IInfoAttribute | |
       IIVW | |
       IList | |
       IListEntry | |
       IMedia | |
       IOptionList | |
       IOptionListEntry | |
       IOptionListSelection | |
       IPreassignedWorkflow | |
       IProjectContent | |
       IReferencePreassignable | |
       ISiteMap | |
       IStandardField | |
       IStandardFieldDate | |
       IStandardFieldEmail | |
       IStandardFieldNonDate | |
       IStandardFieldNumeric | |
       IStandardFieldText | |
       IStandardFieldTime | |
       IStandardFieldURL | |
       IStandardFieldUserDefined | |
       IText | |
       ITextAnchor | |
       ITextAscii | |
       ITextHtml | |
       ITransfer | |
       IWorkflowAssignable | |
       IWorkflowAssignments | |
       Preassigned< T > | |
       PreassignedContentClassesAndPageDefinitions | |
      IContentClass | |
      IContentClassEditableAreaSettings | |
      IContentClassElements | |
      IContentClasses | |
      IContentClassVersion | |
      IContentClassVersions | |
      IPageDefinition | |
      IPageDefinitions | |
      IPreassignedKeywords | |
      IProjectVariantAssignment | |
      IProjectVariantAssignments | |
      ITemplateVariant | |
      ITemplateVariants | |
      ProjectVariantAssignmentSettings | |
      TemplateVariantCreationOptions | |
     Folder | |
      FileAttributes | |
      FileSource | |
      IAssetManagerFiles | |
      IAssetManagerFolder | |
      IContentClassFolder | |
      IContentClassFolderSharing | |
      IFile | |
      IFiles | |
      IFolder | |
      ISubFolders | |
     Keywords | |
      Categories | Encapsulates category management for a project. Allows enumeration, creation and deletion of categories from a project. |
      CategoryKeywords | Encapsulates keyword management for a category. |
      ICategories | |
      ICategory | |
      ICategoryKeywords | |
      IKeyword | |
     Pages | |
      Elements | |
       IAnchor | |
       IAnchorAsImage | |
       IAnchorAsText | |
       IArea | |
       IBackground | |
       IBrowse | |
       IContainer | |
       IDatabaseContent | |
       IFrame | |
       IHeadline | |
       IHitList | |
       IImage | |
       IKeywordAssignable | |
       ILinkConnections | |
       ILinkElement | |
       IList | |
       IListEntry | |
       IMedia | |
       IMediaElementBase | |
       IMultilinkConnections | |
       IMultiLinkElement | |
       IOptionList | |
       IOptionListEntry | |
       IPageElement | |
       IPageElementFactory | |
       IProjectContent | |
       ISiteMap | |
       IStandardField< T > | |
       IStandardFieldDate | |
       IStandardFieldEmail | |
       IStandardFieldNumeric | |
       IStandardFieldText | |
       IStandardFieldTextLegacy | |
       IStandardFieldTime | |
       IStandardFieldUrl | |
       IStandardFieldUserDefined | |
       IText | |
       ITextAscii | |
       ITextHtml | |
       ITransfer | |
       IValueElement< T > | |
       PageElementFactory | |
      AbstractPageSearchFilter | |
      ContentClassExclusionFilter | |
      ContentClassFilter | |
      HeadlineAndContentFilter | |
      HeadlineFilter | |
      IAssignedKeywords | |
      IExtendedPageSearch | An extended page search more powerful than the normale PageSearch that can be refined by adding filters to it (e.g. on the page status). |
      ILinkingAndAppearance | |
      ILinkTarget | |
      IPage | Wrapper for the RedDot Page object. If status changes occur, you have to call PartialRedDotObject.Refresh to see them reflected in the status field, |
      IPageCopyAndConnectJob | Preliminary version of a page copy and connect job. Currently only RunAsync() is supported, so you have to check for its success yourself, if you need to. |
      IPagePublishJob | |
      IPages | |
      IPageSearch | |
      IPageSearchFilter | |
      IStartPagesValue | |
      Pages | |
      PageStatusFilter | |
      ReleaseInfo | |
       IIUserInfo | |
      Result | |
      ResultGroup | |
      SpecialPageFilter | |
      WorkflowFilter | |
      WorkflowInfo | |
     Publication | |
      IPublicationFolder | TODO trennen in ftp/ds |
      IPublicationFolderSetting | |
      IPublicationPackage | |
      IPublicationSetting | |
      IPublicationSettings | |
      IPublicationTarget | |
     Workflows | |
      INote | |
      IWorkflow | |
      IWorkFlowAction | |
      IWorkflowActions | |
     AssetFolderConfiguration | |
     ClipboardEntry | |
     DatabaseAssetFolderConfiguration | |
     FileAssetFolderConfiguration | |
     IAsyncJob | |
     IAsyncProjectJob | |
     IClipboard | |
     IClipboardEntry | |
     IContentClassFolders | |
     IDatabaseConnection | |
     IDatabaseConnections | |
     IDetailedAuthorizable | |
     IFolders | |
     IGlobalWorkflows | |
     ILanguageVariant | |
     ILanguageVariants | |
     IProject | |
     IProjectClipboard | |
     IProjectCopyJob | |
     IProjectExportJob | |
     IProjectGroups | |
     IProjectImportJob | |
     IProjectObject | |
     IProjectUsers | |
     IProjectVariant | |
     IProjectVariants | |
     IProjectWorkflows | |
     IRecycleBin | |
     IReferencePreassignTarget | |
     ISyllable | Represents a prefix or a postfix. |
     ISyllables | |
     IUserProjects | |
    ServerManagement | |
     EMail | EMail for sending from the RedDot server. An email can be send via Session.SendMailFromCurrentUserAccount and Session.SendMailFromSystemAccount Use plain text for Message and Subject. |
     IApplicationServer | |
     IApplicationServers | |
     IAsynchronousProcess | |
     IDatabaseServer | |
     IDatabaseServers | |
     IGroup | |
     IGroups | |
     IModule | |
     IProjects | |
     IServerManager | |
     IUser | |
     IUserModuleAssignment | |
     IUserProjectAssignment | |
     IUsers | |
    AttributeAssignment | |
    DateTimeFormat | A date/time format used in locales. |
    IAttributeAssignment | |
    IDateTimeFormat | |
    IDeletable | |
    IDialogLocale | |
    ILanguageDependentReadValue< out T > | |
    ILanguageDependentValue< T > | |
    ILanguageDependentValueBase | |
    IPartialRedDotObject | |
    IPartialRedDotProjectObject | |
    IRedDotObject | |
    ISession | |
    ISessionObject | |
    ISystemLocale | |
    RunningSessionInfo | |
    VersionAttribute | |
    VersionIsGreaterThanOrEqual | |
    VersionIsLessThan | |
   Exceptions | |
    BrokenContentClassFolderSharingException | |
    FileDataException | |
    InvalidServerVersionException | |
    MissingElementValueException | |
    MissingKeywordsException | |
    MissingPrivilegesException | |
    NoSuchPageException | |
    PageDeletionException | |
    PageStatusException | |
    RedDotConnectionException | |
    RQLException | |
    SmartAPIException | |
    SmartAPIInternalException | |
   OldService | |
    ExecuteInThreadPoolRequest | |
    ExecuteInThreadPoolRequestBody | |
    ExecuteInThreadPoolResponse | |
    ExecuteInThreadPoolResponseBody | |
    ExecuteRequest | |
    ExecuteRequestBody | |
    ExecuteResponse | |
    ExecuteResponseBody | |
    ExecuteStringRequest | |
    ExecuteStringRequestBody | |
    ExecuteStringResponse | |
    ExecuteStringResponseBody | |
    RqlServiceSoap | |
    RqlServiceSoapChannel | |
    RqlServiceSoapClient | |
   RedDotCmsXmlServer | |
    ExecuteRequest | |
    ExecuteResponse | |
    IRqlWebService | |
    IRqlWebServiceChannel | |
    RqlWebServiceClient | |
   Utils | |
    CachedCollections | |
     CachedList< T > | |
     CachingContext< T > | Utility class to temporarily ensure that caching on a cached list is enabled/disabled and restore the caching state afterwards. On construction the caching state is set and on disposable the original state gets restored. |
     GuidIndexedRDList< T > | Convenience class for a IndexedRDList with an index on the Guid attribute GetByGuid and TryGetByGuid both use the index to access the elements. |
     ICached | |
     ICachedList< out T > | Interface for collections of objects retrieved from the RedDot server with transparent caching. If caching is enabled the list of objects is retrieved from the server and subsequent access is done on the cache of this list. If caching is disabled the list of objects is retrieved from the server every time it gets accessed. |
     IIndexedCachedList< in TK, T > | An IRDList which additionally indexes its content and provides a method to retrieve content through the index. |
     IIndexedRDList< in TK, T > | |
     IndexedCachedList< TK, T > | Implementation of IIndexedCachedList |
     IndexedRDList< TK, T > | |
     IRDEnumerable< T > | |
     IRDList< T > | A IIndexedCachedList for IRedDotObjects which provides convenience functions to get objects by guid and name. Those functions don't necessarily use an index, so if you need indexed access through guid, use the Guid as key in a IndexedCachedList{TK,T} . If you need indexed access through name, use NameIndexedRDList{T} |
     NameIndexedRDList< T > | Convenience class for a IndexedRDList with an index on the Name attribute GetByName and TryGetByName both use the index to access the elements. |
     RDList< T > | |
    LanguageContext | Utility class to execute code in a specific language variant and restore the original selection of the language variant afterwards. |
    NameEqualityComparer< T > | |
    PasswordAuthentication | Password authentication credentials |
    RedDotObjectHandle | Utility class to represent a RedDotObject through its name and guid. E.g. used for client side representation or tests. |
    ServerLogin | Contains alls information needed to connect to a server. The name is not needed for the connection but can used for client side organisation of login information. |
    SessionBuilder | Utility class to create Session objects with given login data/login guid/session key and project guid. Useful for RedDot plugins. |