Open Source .NET RQL library for RedDot CMS / OpenText WSM Management Server
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1 ï»¿// SmartAPI - .Net programmatic access to RedDot servers
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2013 erminas GbR
4 //
5 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
7 // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // See the GNU General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
14 // If not, see <>.
16 using System.Collections.Generic;
18 namespace erminas.SmartAPI.CMS
19 {
20  public static class RedDotAttributeDescription
21  {
22  private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION = new Dictionary<string, string>
23  {
24  {"adoptheadlinetoalllanguages", "Changing headline is effective for all language variants"},
25  {"eltname", "Name"},
26  {"eltbeginmark", "Start mark for automatic processing"},
27  {"eltcrlftobr", "CRLF -> <BR>"},
28  {"eltdefaultvalue", "Default Value"},
29  {"eltdonothtmlencode", "Do not convert characters to HTML"},
30  {"elteditorialelement", "Editorial element"},
31  {"eltendmark", "End mark for automatic processing"},
32  {"eltevalcalledpage", "Use data of page in target container"},
33  {"eltextendedlist", "Transfer element contents of following pages "},
34  {"eltfolderguid", "Folder"},
35  {"eltdepth", "Nesting level"},
36  {"eltsearchdepth", "Max. search depth"},
37  {"eltdropouts", "Max. number of errors"},
38  {"elttableopen", "Start of table"},
39  {"elttableclose", "End of table"},
40  {"eltrowopen", "Start of row"},
41  {"eltrowclose", "End of row"},
42  {"eltcolopen", "Start of column"},
43  {"eltcolclose", "End of column"},
44  {"eltxslfile", "XSL stylesheet"},
45  {"eltid", "Element Id"},
46  {"eltignoreworkflow", "Not relevant for workflow"},
47  {"eltinvisibleinclient", "Hide in project structure"},
48  {"eltinvisibleinpage", "Not visible on published page"},
49  {"eltisdynamic", "Dynamic element"},
50  {"eltislink", "Element is linked"},
51  {"eltshape", "Shape"},
52  {"eltcoords", "Coords"},
53  {"eltlanguageindependent", "Language-variant independent content"},
54  {"eltonlyhrefvalue", "Insert path and file name only"},
55  {"eltparentelementguid", "Child element of"},
56  {"eltparentelementname", "Child element of"},
57  {"eltpicsalllanguages", "Language-variant independent content"},
58  {"eltrddescription", "Description"},
59  {"eltrdexample", "SampleText Value"},
60  {"eltrequired", "Editing mandatory"},
61  {"elttype", "Element TypeId"},
62  {"eltuserdefinedallowed", "Values can be changed in dialog"},
63  {"languagevariantid", "Language variant"},
64  {"parentguid", "Parent element"},
65  {"parenttable", "Table type of the parent element"},
66  {"templateguid", "GUID of the content class to which the element belongs"},
67  {"guid", "GUID of the element"},
68  {"elthideinform", "Do not use in form"},
69  {"eltdragdrop", "Activate Drag & Drop"},
70  {"eltxhtmlcompliant", "Syntax which conforms to XHTML in the preview and SmartEdit"},
71  {"eltdefaultsuffix", "Default Suffix"},
72  {"elttargetcontainerguid", "HtmlTarget container"},
73  {"elttargetcontainertype", "HtmlTarget container type"},
74  {"eltautoborder", "Automatically insert border into Page"},
75  {"eltautowidth", "Automatically insert width into Page"},
76  {"eltautoheight", "Automatically insert height into Page"},
77  {"eltpresetalt", "Alt - Requirement"},
78  {"eltconvert", "Scaling/Conversion"},
79  {"eltfontclass", "Font class"},
80  {"eltfontsize", "Font size"},
81  {"eltfontbold", "Bold"},
82  {"eltfontface", "Font face"},
83  {"eltfontcolor", "Font color"},
84  {"eltimagesupplement", "Image link supplement"},
85  {"eltvalue", "Value"},
86  {"elttargetformat", "HtmlTarget DateTimeFormat"},
87  {"elttarget", "HtmlTarget"},
88  {"eltcompression", "Quality"},
89  {"eltmaxpicwidth", "Image width: Automatic maximum scaling"},
90  {"eltmaxpicheight", "Image height: Automatic maximum scaling"},
91  {"eltpicwidth", "Exact image size: width"},
92  {"eltpicheight", "Exact image size: height"},
93  {"eltpicdepth", "Color depth"},
94  {"eltsuffixes", "Eligible Suffixes"},
95  {"name", "Name"},
96  {"eltmaxsize", "Maximum file size"},
97  {"eltfilename", "Name (regular expression)"},
98  {"suffixguid", "Default suffix of this page"},
99  {"prefixguid", "Default prefix of this page"},
100  {"eltalign", "Align"},
101  {"eltonlynonwebsources", "Convert only non-Web compatible files"},
102  {"eltwidth", "Width"},
103  {"eltheight", "Height"},
104  {"eltborder", "Border"},
105  {"eltalt", "Alt"},
106  {"elteditoroptions", "Editor options"},
107  {"eltsrc", "SRC"},
108  {"eltvspace", "VSpace"},
109  {"elthspace", "HSpace"},
110  {"eltusermap", "Usemap"},
111  {"eltsupplement", "Supplement"},
112  {"eltlanguagedependentvalue", "Values dependent on language variant"},
113  {"eltlanguagedependentname", "Names dependent on language variant"},
114  {"eltorderby", "Sort mode"},
115  {"eltoptionlistdata", "Entries"},
116  {"eltcolumnname", "Column"},
117  {"elttablename", "Table"},
118  {"eltbincolumnname", "Data field for binary data"},
119  {"eltformatting", "User defined format"},
120  {"eltisreffield", "Reference field"},
121  {"eltislistentry", "Hit List"},
122  {"eltlisttype", "List TypeId"},
123  {"eltcategorytype", "Category TypeId"},
124  {"eltdirectedit", "Activate DirectEdit"},
125  {"eltformatno", "DateTimeFormat"},
126  {"eltframename", "Name"},
127  {"eltmarginwidth", "Margin width"},
128  {"eltmarginheight", "Margin height"},
129  {"eltscrolling", "Scrolling"},
130  {"eltnoresize", "No resize"},
131  {"eltframeborder", "Frameborder"},
132  {"elthittype", "Hit List type"},
133  {"eltlcid", "Locale"},
134  {"eltdonotremove", "Do not remove link automatically"},
135  {"eltistargetcontainer", "HtmlTarget container"},
136  {"eltdefaulttext", "Default text"},
137  {"eltdefaulttextguid", "Default text"},
138  {"eltusemainlink", "Use main link"},
139  {"eltkeywordseparator", "Separator"},
140  {"eltusessl", "Use SSL"},
141  {"eltuserfc3066", "Use RFC3066"},
142  {"eltsubtype", "Metainfo TypeId"},
143  {"eltformatbutton", "DateTimeFormat"},
144  {"eltsrcsubdirguid", "SRC Folder"},
145  {"eltrdexamplesubdirguid", "SampleText Folder"},
146  {"eltrdexampleguid", "SampleText"},
147  {"eltdeactivatetextfilter", "Deactivate text filter"},
148  {"eltwholetext", "Use entire text if no matching tags can be found"},
149  {"eltrelatedfolderguid", "Publication folder"},
150  {"eltcolumniotype", "Special data field format"},
151  {"eltelementguid", "Element"},
152  {"eltprojectvariantguid", "Project Variant"},
153  {"eltlanguagevariantguid", "Language Variant"},
154  {"elttemplateguid", "Content class"},
155  {"eltprojectguid", "Project"},
156  {"eltconvertmode", "Convert selected documents"},
157  {"ignoreglobalworkflow", "Not relevant for global content workflow"},
158  {"keywordrequired", "Keyword required"},
159  {"requiredcategory", "Keyword required from category"},
160  {"selectinnewpage", "Available via the shortcut menu in SmartEdit"}
161  };
163  public static string GetDescriptionForElement(string name)
164  {
165  return ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION[name];
166  }
168  public static bool TryGetDescriptionForElement(string name, out string description)
169  {
170  return ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION.TryGetValue(name, out description);
171  }
172  }
173 }